The Tower of Life

Tower of Life on NYPL’s Best Kidlit Biographies of 2022

The Tower of Life is on the New York Public Library’s List of Best Children’s Biographies of 2022! See the list here!

Tower of Life on SLJ’s Best Nonfiction Books of 2022

The Tower of Life is on School Library Journal’s list of Best Nonfiction Books of 2022! See the list here!

2022 Eureka! Nonfiction Award

The Tower of Life received a 2022 Eureka! Nonfiction Award for Children’s Literature Honor/Silver Medal from the California Reading Association.

Russell Freedman Nonfiction Award Finalist

The Tower of Life is a finalist for the Russell Freedman Nonfiction Award for a Better World! Thank you to the SCBWI Impact & Legacy Fund for this recognition along with these other inspiring books.

Books of Wonder Biography Panel

Chana joined four other authors of beautiful picture book biographies at Books of Wonder online, and presented The Tower of Life. Signed copies available here.

Booklist Starred Review of the Tower of Life

ALA Booklist #ReviewoftheDay

“A magnificent and moving tribute to a loving community and an extraordinary woman.”—ALA Booklist Starred Review (Read the full review)

Tower of Life Reviewed in the NYTimes!

“This masterfully illustrated biography argues that even the Nazis, though they may have been able to physically erase a shtetl, were powerless to destroy deep human connections to family and home.”—Eugene Yelchin, The New York Times Book Review, Nov. 5, 2022. (read full review)

Booklist STARRED Review for Tower of Life

“A magnificent and moving tribute to a loving community and an extraordinary woman.”—Booklist STARRED review for The Tower of Life

Read the full review here.

Jewish Book Council Review

THE TOWER OF LIFE received a wonderful review from the Jewish Book Council. “Stiefel paints a truth­ful por­trait appro­pri­ate for those just begin­ning to learn about the Holocaust. Susan Gal’s art­work, mean­while, is both dra­mat­ic and acces­si­ble, an invi­ta­tion to look at Eliach’s life with com­pas­sion and awe.” Read the full review here.

JBC Writers’ Conference

Join me and authors Liza Wiemer, Sarah Darer Littman, and Nancy Churnin (moderator) for this important panel on Using Kidlit to Build Allyship Within & Outside the Jewish Community. Nov. 8, 2022 6 PM ET.