Let Liberty Rise!

Title: Let Liberty Rise! How America's Schoolchildren Helped Save the Statue of Liberty
Contributors: Chana Stiefel (Author), Chuck Groenink (Illustrator)
Published by: Scholastic Press
Release Date: March 3, 2021
Pages: 40
ISBN13: 9781338225884
For America’s 100th Birthday, the people of France were building a giant gift! It would be one of the largest statues the world had ever seen—weighing nearly as much as 40 elephants! But Lady Liberty arrived on our shores in 350 pieces. And she could not be put together without a pedestal to hold her up. Few of America’s millionaires were willing to foot the bill. And without funds for a pedestal, Lady Liberty would remain trapped in her crates, scattered about Bedloe’s Island.
Could everyday Americans—including schoolchildren—collect enough pennies to help Liberty rise?
Chana Stiefel’s charming narrative and Chuck Groenink’s playful illustrations highlight an inspiring story about the unstoppable spirit of America—and what we can accomplish when everyone works together!
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LET LIBERTY RISE has been nominated for a California Young Readers Medal 2025-2026 in the Picture Books for Older Readers category!
LET LIBERTY RISE has been selected as a Best Book of the Year by Bank Street College of Education (History, ages 5-9).
***LET LIBERTY RISE received a STARRED REVIEW in School Library Journal. "This charming history title is a true inspiration for the present. An informative must-have for all libraries." (Read the full review here.)
"A true tale of cooperation among all ages."—Publishers Weekly (Read the full review here.)
"Sparkling language movingly describes how everyday folks effected powerful change. Readers will relish knowing that kids played a pivotal role in the campaign; many actual quotes from children are included. Lively, colorful illustrations capturing the period depict diverse characters and wonderful perspectives...All rise to this evocative, empowering offering." —Kirkus Reviews. (Read the full review here.)
LET LIBERTY RISE! has been nominated for a 2021-2022 COCBA prize for nonfiction!
"A perfect celebration of history."—Dr. Sue Ann Martin, The Children's Bookshelf, WCMU Public Radio (Listen and read the full review here.)
"A lovely picture book that will serve well in both home and school settings."—Cracking the Cover (Read the full review here.)
3 Questions Interview with Chana Stiefel on This Writing Life Blog with Melissa Stoller: The story behind LET LIBERTY RISE, here.
For more reviews and news about LET LIBERTY RISE! please click on News & Events!